In the past, it was common for people to stay at a company for years, even decades. Loyal employees were…
Industry Trends
This past week, I had the opportunity to speak with many executives who lead staffing and recruiting companies at the…
We live in a world that feeds on the frenetic energy of competition. Our societies consume competition the same way…
In a perfect world, great candidates would just fall into our laps. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy to find and…
Gone are the days when business executives debate whether social media is the flavor of the month at the buzzword…
Michigan has seen an increase in employment by temporary staffing agencies over the last few years. According to University of…
The Affordable Care Act requirement that employers provide health insurance to their workers was supposed to take effect with the…
Forty-six tax code changes, to be exact. For your 2015 tax preparation, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the most sweeping health insurance legislation in American history, is also bringing the biggest tax code changes in years. But what does this mean for you?
Though these cheap plans may seem initially attractive for your staffing firm and even for some of your employees, it’s important to note that the Affordable Care Act is very much in flux right now, and this loophole could easily be closed as the law is challenged and refined.