American Staffing Association
The American Staffing Association is the voice of the U.S. staffing industry. ASA and its affiliated chapters advance the interests of staffing and recruiting firms of all sizes and across all sectors through legal and legislative advocacy, public relations, education, and the promotion of high standards of legal, ethical, and professional practices. ASA members provide the full range of employment and workforce services and solutions, including temporary and contract staffing, recruiting and permanent placement, outplacement and outsourcing, training, and human resource consulting.

AkkenCloud & ASA
As the first corporate software partner of the American Staffing Association, AkkenCloud continues to partner with the association, supporting its members, and the staffing industry.
American Staffing Association corporate partnerships go beyond traditional sponsorships. They involve mutual commitments to long-term working relationships focused on benefiting both American Staffing Association and the partners as organizations dedicated to advancing the interests and meeting the needs of ASA members and the staffing industry.